In other news, Sunday was move-in day to my new on-campus apartment. When we got here, I was surprised to find that the roommate I had been assigned was not going to be here. That means...I have an apartment all to myself! There is one large bedroom/living room/office with a small kitchen, a fairly large closet area, and a small bathroom. It is perfect for my needs, and is much quieter than the dorms and other residence halls (major PLUS). I was told by the resident assistant that I would be contacted by the people in charge in about three weeks to determine if a roommate could be found. She said most likely that there would not be anybody right away, and it was very likely that I could just have this place to myself all year. I told her I could handle that......... Yesterday and Sunday evening were spent getting things to make this apartment livable; since I am on an apartment/campus house meal plan, I plan on spending only a very small amount of time in the cafeteria, and a majority of time fixing my own meals. For those that do not know, I love to cook, and would venture a guess that I am a better cook than the average 20-something male college student.
For those of you that were waiting to hear something about my summer, I will go into that briefly in this post. (I might elaborate a little more next time.) I spent most of my time at home or at the grocery store this summer, but I did have occasions for fun and excitement. As you may have read in my last post at the end of last month, my family had a celebration for my grandmother's big birthday in Atlanta. You have probably seen the pictures from my aunt Cheryl's blog, but I do have a few of my own to share.
Other than family dinners, a birthday party, and plenty of Catch Phrase game nights, we spent our time checking out the tourist scene around Atlanta. Just to name a few of the sights we visited, we saw the Coke Museum, the Aquarium, Underground Atlanta, Stone Mountain (with the best fireworks/laser show), an Atlanta Braves game, and the "historic" Varsity Club for some hot dogs and onion rings. A good time was had by all, as they say, and I was pleased that for the first time ever (for me), the home team won the baseball game. I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed or a fanatic, but I am finding myself able enjoy baseball more than I had ever in my life. I guess a big thank you goes out to Uncle Duane for that!
The other main event during my summer was my best friend Emily's wedding on August 11th. She and her then-fiancee honored me by having me be a part of the wedding party as a groomsman. Although I was attending the wedding mostly for her (I have been friends with her since we were five), I had gotten to know Joel over the past couple of years, and have found him to be a really nice guy. I think now I would consider them both as friends, so it was a great honor and privilege for me to be there and stand behind them at their wedding. The ceremony was simple, yet very spiritual and charming. The reception following was simple, yet elegant, and I even got to visit with some classmates I hadn't seen in several years. After we had gotten something to eat, myself and other members of the wedding party decorated the best man's car (the newlyweds were taking his car to their honeymoon) with toilet paper, ribbon, a large bow on the antenna, and that car chalk all over the windows. With exploding streamers instead of rice, we sent them off in a great way, and watched them as they drove off to Disney World.
Well, now that I've created an update to end all updates, I think I'll wrap this up for today. Since I only had my one History class this morning, I think it's time for a little nap and some more unpacking/organizing in my room. Tomorrow will be my busy day with classes from 8:30 to 2:45, and NO breaks in between! I will make sure, at the very least, that I update everyone after my first week of classes, and report all that I have learned. In the meantime, I hope everyone had a great summer, and that y'all have a great week.