Sunday, August 27, 2006

I'm Back! (For Good This Time)

I know, I know... I'm sure you're all thinking the same thing: "Where the hell have you been!?" Well here's the answer: I've been working and having too much fun at home, and I just didn't take the time to continue my blog this summer. I hope all of you can forgive me, and you can look forward to weekly posts; maybe even a couple per week!

Well, the main reason I'm writing this was to let everyone know that I'm back in Cincinnati starting a brand new school year. I've only been in this room for a couple of hours, so I really haven't had the opportunity to unpack all my stuff and find a suitable home for it. I have however set up my computer, my desk, and the land phone, so I'm pretty much set for now. The rest can come later, either tonight or tomorrow (tomorrow's looking better and better as it gets later and I get sleepier!). It was really difficult to say goodbye to my family this afternoon, but I am looking forward to a great first semester, and hopefully a great sophomore year.

Now that everything's been settled on here (or at least I hope; I'm sure you'll let me know if I haven't), I think I'll wrap this up. I wanted to post a few pictures from my summer exploits, so I intend to do that in the next few days. By the way, if my grandparents are reading this, could you please e-mail me the pictures that were taken at your place? There were a few at the beach and a couple just around the house. I would really appreciate it!

Well, that's really all I have to say for now. I'll try to put away some of my stuff tonight and get settled in, and I'll let everyone know about classes once they start up on Tuesday. I hope everyone's up to learning something new in each of my posts! Anyways, I'll talk to y'all later, and have a great week!


Adrienne said...

whoo hoo! You're back! We missed you!

paulette said...

Glad you're back. I knew you would be back when school started. Looking forward to sharing your classes with you. Hope you have a great sophmore year.

Tim B. said...


Never put Descartes before the horse.