Monday, May 05, 2008

Do You Have What It Takes?

Whoopi Goldberg recently mentioned a practice Citizenship Test that contains some questions asked of citizens who wished to be naturalized in the United States. That piqued my curiosity, and I had to find out about this test for myself. Upon searching the Internet, I found one such test on the MSNBC site:

Not to brag or anything, but I did score a 100%! There are about 20 questions regarding the Constitution, national symbols, American history, and roles of elected officials. Go ahead and try it out, and feel free to post your scores as comments on this post. Seriously, it's fun! Would you pass the test and be allowed to become an American citizen???


John Beauregard said...

I got one wrong (What are the 13 original states?) for a total of 95%. But I had to make a lucky guess at the question: "What INS form is used to apply to become a naturalized citizen?"
I qualify to be a US citizen. Whew!

Sean M. said...

Those lists of states were confusing, but I found it easiest to find the ones that were WRONG, instead of going through the litany. That one took me awhile because I could name only so many of them off the top of my head...

Oh, and I had to guess on that INS one too. As if we already-citizens would ever really need to know that...

megzie said...

Wow, this was harder then I thought!

cheryl said...

wow hadn't heard from you in a while