As for the Chemistry test, I knew that I wasn't going to get lower than a B grade, since I knew most of the material, and anything that I didn't know, I studied before the exam. I finished the exam in about 40 minutes, which was impressive considering the professor thought it would take the entire 50-minute class period to finish. Yesterday morning, right after I walked in, he started handing back the tests. As he got to me, I was very surprised to see, in red, the grade of 92 on my paper! I knew that I had done well, but I didn't think I had done that well! Like I had anticipated, I missed a couple of problems about naming compounds, so I wasn't surprised at all. I also had a few points taken off on a couple of short answer questions, since my answers weren't precise enough. But, all in all, I was very pleased with this result. I guess in the future though I will need to do better on details, since they are very important in Chemistry.

:Here's the Chemistry test that I'd been agonizing about for the weekend! Final grade: 92%, which in the Chemistry department is an A-!
After Chemistry class, I had Spanish class, and I would finally get my first quiz back. I wasn't worried at all about this one, since I knew everything on the quiz. I actually wouldn't have been surprised if it came back as 100%, since I've had all this material before, most recently last year. So, I waited until after her lesson, and at the end of class she passed back the papers. And, as I looked the quiz over, I saw "100!" at the top of the page! I actually wasn't too surprised, but nevertheless, I was still very happy. At least I knew that my Spanish was still pretty good, and I won't have to struggle the rest of the year. There are a few places that I need some work, but that will come in time. For now, I'll just enjoy knowing how to do this kind of stuff.
:Aqui esta mi primer prueba de la clase de espanol. Nota final: cien por ciento! (Here is my first quiz in Spanish class. Final grade: 100%!)
Next, about an hour and a half later, I had my Theology class. We had just turned in a paper on Friday with the topic of "What is human faith?" It was supposed to be around 3 pages long, and I think I had just more than 3. To be honest, I didn't spend very much time writing this paper, since I thought I knew all there was to know about human faith, so I just wrote down what I knew and what we had learned in class, only in my own words. So, when I got my paper back, I was happy to see a grade of A- on the last page, but the teacher had found where I had not gone into enough detail from our class discussions. I was still happy with the grade though, but I'll have to work on sticking more to the topic in the future. (No pictures of the paper, since it is not a test, and therefore not as important to post pictures.)
And finally, my very last class of the day, I had Biology Lab. This was the one I was dreading the most, since there was so much material and stuff to do. I was actually expecting a really bad grade, because I didn't know what to put for some of the answers. Well, he handed all the answer sheets and the booklets back, and I was very surprised that I got an 82! Now, normally I wouldn't be happy with an 82, but considering I thought I'd done worse, I was very relieved! On the Biology scale I think that is a B-, so I'm happy with that for now. I'll just have to study harder and look over the material more for next time. (No pictures of this test, since he took them back up.)
Well, that's all that's happening with me right now. In other news though, I will be making a trip home this weekend, since I didn't get to go for Labor Day. So, I will have to let y'all know how that goes, after it happens. Until then, I guess I'll be studying hard, since I have yet another Biology test on Friday. If you are interested at all, just look up photosynthesis and cellular respiration, and you'll know what I'm doing! Enjoy your week, and remember to always thank your mitochondria! (courtesy of Dr. Dottie Engle)
Very good.
I thanked my mitochondria and it said, your welcom.
You did really well Sean.
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