As you can see in the title of this post, I mentioned Cincinnati Chili! As per the recommendation of several friends and family members, I went out to search for a Cincinnati Chili restaurant and try their signature dish yesterday. I found out that there is a Skyline Chili restaurant about two miles from here, so I went ahead and tried that. It took me some time to find this restaurant, because it was neatly tucked behind a few other businesses. Plus it was in a strip mall, not a free-standing building like I'd seen on the TV commercials. Anyways, I walked in and sat down, and looked over the menu for a minute or so. I already knew what I wanted to try: a classic 3-way chili. Not that I didn't want to try anything else; I just wanted to start out with something "classic" before I widened my horizons. For those who don't know what a 3-way chili is, it has spaghetti on the bottom, the chili in the middle, and a mound of cheddar cheese on top. I was actually very surprised by the taste, since it was different than any chili I had ever tasted. I could taste a distinct amount of sweetness, but also a little bit of a kick. It was pretty good! Next time though, I think I'll try a 4-way or a 5-way, which is just the 3-way with an addition of red beans, onions, or both. I think I can really get into this chili thing!
As for the rest of my week, there wasn't too much to mention that was extremely interesting. On Tuesday, I went out on a search for a job, since I'd like to have a little bit of money around if I need it. I didn't want anything that was full-time or too involved, so I checked out the local Target store, which is a little more than five minutes away. I had a friend that worked there for a while back home, so I pretty much knew what would be in store if I got hired. So, I went over there and filled out their application. It was different than any application I had ever seen before, simply because it was on a computer. Not to mention the fact that it asked personality questions and asked for responses to hypothetical store situations. That whole process took about half an hour or more, but I think in the long run that will pay off. Hopefully they will see that I can be an asset to the store, but we'll just have to wait and see. They told me they'd let me know by Monday about the job, so I'll let you all know what happens as soon as I find out.
Finally this week, or at least as far as interesting things go, I had an interesting experience on my way to a Biology test. My Spanish class had met in a computer lab to do some listening exercises, and when the class was finished, I had to go upstairs to the test. During that trek, I passed by a hallway that I don't normally take, and walked by some of the administration offices. I walked by one of them and stopped for just a second. The man in that office always posts people's names on a bulletin board, which means those people win a prize. I had just so happened to walk by his office at that exact time, and saw my name on his board! It was an exciting feeling to be a winner! But, I had to hurry to my test and couldn't claim my prize right away. I decided just to come back later after the test and get that. The test actually only took me like 25 minutes (I was very surprised!), so I went over to the office right after. I took my name off the board and took it to the secretary. He went back into the office, and brought me back a Xavier hat! I was very excited to finally win something! Since I haven't put up any pictures lately (which by the way I love to do!), and I'm kind of bored at the moment, I'll put up a picture of my new hat! (corny I know, but just humor me)
:Here's the picture of my new free Xavier University hat! Simple, yet elegant: blue hat with "Xavier" on the front.
Oh, and some of you have asked me about posting comments on my blog. At the end of the post for any given day, there is a link that says "comments." If you want to leave a comment, click on that link, and a "Leave Comment" screen will show up. On the left you will see any comments already on that post, and on the right there will be a box to leave a new comment. Type out your comment in the text box, and at the end, put a name or screen name that you want to be viewed. If you have a blogger account, there's a box to check, and also one for non-members or people that want to remain anonymous. After that, leave the name you want and fill in the nonsense letters underneath to confirm the comment. This is in place to prevent spam and misuse of the comment feature. After that, just click on publish comment, and it will appear in the comments section of my blog. Go ahead and try it if you want.
Well, that's really all I have to say for now! This next week has a lot in store, so I will let you know when anything exciting or interesting happens. Until then, enjoy this last day of the weekend, and I hope you have a very productive week.
I finally got myself up and running on It took a while - but I finally figured it out.
PS - did you hear from Target yet?
I hope all is going well with you. Have a fabulous weekend!!
Your cousin,
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't hear anything from Target yet. You might want to put in a phone call to the Store Manager or Human Resources recruiter as a follow up... or you may even want to write a follow up letter. Anyway - just a suggestion. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
I told you the chili was good! However, nobody beats Amma's!!!
Love ya! Emily (your best friend for life!)
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