Thursday, October 27, 2005

More Disappointment

Today I received even more disappointment, in a series of disappointing events that have come up lately. The first one for today came from my Biology class. I mentioned the other day that I felt pretty confident about the Biology test I took last Friday. Too bad I was wrong about this one. Instead of doing well like I had initially believed, I missed way too many questions and got a disappointing grade. I had been expecting at least a "B" and was hoping for an "A," but I guess I didn't deserve it. I made a "C+," which still isn't horrible, but not good enough by my standards. I am trying to study a little bit harder for the next tests, which there should be one coming up next week. I'm not too discouraged about this grade since we still have five more tests, but it is still disheartening, and that made my day start out with a bit of sadness.

And for the second and largest disappointment for today, this one has to do with Target. Like I said, I had left messages with the HR department, and I made another call this morning. Apparently the person who told me that other woman would be in was mistaken, and I decided not to leave another message. Maybe this woman would be in later, I thought. Well, I was right about that, and since I got out of my Chemistry Lab class early at around 4:30 PM, I decided to call again. Success! She was in the office, but was apparently buried in employment paperwork. She said she was reviewing my file, and would call me back later. So, I took a little nap and woke up around 7:00 PM. It just so happened that she called right then, and I was nervous, but very excited. She asked me a couple of questions, and got to the main issue at hand. Since I am living away from home in a different state, she figured (correctly obviously) that I would be going home for the holidays. I told her that yes, I would, and I pretty much knew what she was going to say next. So, she told me that she was reviewing other applications to fill three positions, and that these people could work during the holidays. She said that until those positions are filled, she couldn't hire me because of the whole holiday thing. I went silent and kind of sat there for a few seconds. She did say if those positions were filled and if they were still hiring she would let me know, but I've pretty much had it with Target right now. I had been really excited at first, but it's been almost a month since I turned in an application, and I have put up with way too much from them.

I've pretty much decided to try somewhere else, but, if by some chance I don't have a job and they call me back from Target, I will definitely consider it. If, however, I do have a job at that time, I will think about it, but not seriously, unless they plan to offer me more money. We'll see in time, but for now, I am feeling very depressed and extremely angry. Not anger towards this woman; I can't just be mad at one person. I'm extremely angry at the store and the whole system, which is greater than any one person. I'm trying to get over this anger and mini-depression, but it will just take some time.

Well, I guess that's really all I have to say (or should it be "vent") for now. I'm still pretty angry and depressed and worn out, so I'll just watch some TV and go to bed. I've already done all my homework for the night (I only had a few exercises for Spanish class), so I'm done with all the necessities for the night. I'll let everyone know if anything new happens, as always, right on this blog. Until then, would everyone please pray for me? I need some guidance and assurance from God that everything will go all right for me, both in school and as far as a job is concerned. Thank you all very much.


paulette said...

Sorry Target passed you by. I can almost understand about the holiday thing though. Low man on the totem pole and all that. Don't give up. Put in applications all over town.

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