Sunday, February 18, 2007

Done with Snow...For Now

In my last post, I mentioned that it was snowing as I was writing, and I had taken pictures of the ice on the trees. I also stated that it was unlikely that the University would be closed again. Well, I was wrong! The University was closed again on Wednesday, which meant classes were cancelled and offices were closed. This was truly unexpected, since we hardly ever get a single snow day, let alone two in a row! So I spent my two days off catching up on my rest (I was and still am sick, so that helped tremendously) and doing some homework. Now it seems that most of my classes are being pushed back one class due to missing Tuesday and Wednesday, which may or may not be a good thing. We might have to make up for that later on, but I still think it was worth it.

In non-snow news, we are starting to really get into the bulk of all my classes. This week, I have my first Cell Biology test, my first Psychology test, a quiz in Statistics, and other smaller assignments. Coming up, I will have an English paper and a Chemistry test, among other quizzes and smaller assignments. We just finished reading A Midsummer Night's Dream in English, and had our test last week; now we are reading Nathaniel Hawthorne's House of Seven Gables and the aforementioned paper will be a comparison of the two works. Then, coming up in Chemistry Lab, we will be doing qualitative analysis, in which we perform tests on known chemicals and then must identify an unknown chemical. So, there's lots of fun stuff coming up, and I should be busy busy busy...

Other than that, there's not much else to report. We did have some more snow this weekend (mostly yesterday morning and afternoon) but it amounted to only an inch or so. I have determined that I am done with cold and snowy weather and am requesting some milder spring weather. So, if any of my readers out there have influence (or can at least put in a good word), I would be most appreciative. Until next time, enjoy your weekend, and beware the deadly peanut butter...


paulette said...

House of Seven Gables was a great story. If only Nathanial could have told the story and then shut up. But no, he goes on, and on, and on....

Tim B. said...

Could he have stopped after 2 or 3 gables?

I know I read this but can't recall the story right now.

EZ Travel said...

It involves a lot of Beneficience. We listened to it on CD (or was it tapes way back then) and it cracked us up every time they said that word.

Marcel said...

I remember the Seven Grables well. It was a story about Betty Grable, her father, mother, two sisters and two brothers. As a family they used to perform "A Midsummer Night's Dream" There you are Sean, homework is done.

Sean M. said...

I haven't come across the word beneficence yet (or have I???), but you are right; that is a funny word.

Thanks for the tips, Grandpa, but I have a feeling my professor wouldn't see the humor in that. Although, the Grable thing is pretty funny...