Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

Well, I did it, thirty blog posts in thirty days! This experience brings to mind something my fifth grade teacher, Sister Jolita, told us in reference to any book we would read, but is also very appropriate now. She would always ask us, when writing book reports, to write about what we learned from the book. Sometimes this was difficult for me, since I didn't really understand how I was supposed to learn something from a work of fiction. But Sister said there was always an opportunity to learn something from any experience, and this is true of my June Blogging Challenge.

Thing 1 that I learned is that people are opinionated; actually I already knew this but this experience has hammered that down quite well. Dr. Phil always says that opinions are like butts: everyone has one and they all stink. That might not be exactly true; in my opinion, my opinions never stink. :-) I have gotten some very interesting comments, and I appreciate that you all have shared them with me. I enjoy getting feedback, and I'm glad you are actually taking the time to comment on (and sometimes criticize) my blogs. That being said, there are some opinions and comments that I don't appreciate. Thankfully the only opinion that matters on this blog is mine, so you may say what you want, but keep in mind that this is my rodeo!

Thing 2 that I learned is that I can be creative and come up with a variety of topics about which to blog. I was afraid when I started this challenge that I would run out of ideas just a few days into it. Thankfully I was able to come up with thirty different topics and write a post of reasonable length every single night. This was so much more difficult than I thought, but at least I was able to come up with them! There were some nights I didn't have my post finished until almost 11:30, but I stuck to it, thought it out, and was able to produce a topic when I needed it.

Thing 3 that I learned, and this is probably the most important, is that I will never do this again! I thoroughly enjoy blogging, but this has been so much work for me. I really don't want to go back to blogging only a couple times a year like I have since I graduated from Xavier, but blogging every single day is too much! Once or twice a week would be ideal, so hopefully I can get on a schedule where that is feasible. Unless the outcry from my readers is so intense as to change my mind, the monthly blogging challenges are over!

So, I just wanted to say to all who have read my blog this month, Thank You! This experience has brought more hits than ever to my blog, which means that so many new readers are looking every day. I'm glad that there are people out there that find my writing interesting, and I'm glad you have come back over the last thirty days. I hope I can keep everyone interested in the future, and that you will keep on coming back! So I just have to say, Mission Accomplished!


KathrynVH said...

It is a lot of work, but I appreciate your voice. Good job, and I'll look forward to your next blog.

Anonymous said...

I have really enjoyed reading your blog everyday. It is a wonderful way for us (your family) to get to know you. You even inspired me to write a couple. Thank you Sean!

cheryl said...

Everything in Moderation!